Become a Member

Membership information and fees:

Present / Past or Retired Professional Golf Association Members: The International PGA, Ltd. accepts individual members from present, past and/or retired PGA members from any PGA golfing nation worldwide. Each member must present proof of current or past affiliation within its own country, along with their requests for International PGA membership. New members will only be accepted after having lodged an application which contains this required proof. Annual membership fees are $195.00

World Golf Teachers Federation Members: The International PGA, Ltd. accepts individual membership from all WGTF Level III and IV members in good standing. Each member must present proof of active WGTF membership with their request for International PGA membership. New members will only be accepted after having lodged an application which contains this required proof. Annual membership fees are $195.00.

To request membership, please complete this online application form.

Please email documentation of your current or past professional affiliation within your country separately to

Admission to the International PGA implies that new members recognize and adhere to the International PGA, Ltd. constitution and code of ethics in accordance with professional integrity.

Register Form

Name: Address:


Zip/Postal Code: Country:
Email: Telephone:

Membership Affilation:

------------------WGTF Member #:
Copy of Membership Card or certificate:

My Country Affiliation: